
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Ashley Decides...That Manilow Needs Progeny

Or, Ashley Loses The Respect of Everyone

It is just such ultimate tragedy that Barry Manilow has no children.  (Double-checked: Wikipedia and Manilow.Com make no mention of offspring.)

So many facets of musical talent can have a genetic basis and the man who wrote "Weekend In New England", "Copacabana", "Ready To Take a Chance Again", "Soon" from Thumbelina, "Sometimes I Wonder" from The Pebble and The Penguin, "Like a good neighbor, State Farm is There" and "I am Stuck On Band-Aid Brand" is getting on in years and stands nigh on the edge of letting those tonal chromosomes shuffle off this mortal coil right along with him.  J. D. from Scrubs once said of a Dido CD, "If my heart could write songs, they'd sound like this."  Well, my heart sorta can, but it wishes real dang hard that it could write 'em that well.

Obviously, the Manilow isn't gonna be raising any babies, what with his touring schedule and arthritis and shaking his fist at rock music.  But I'm sure there are several musical couples out there who would be willing to Take One for The Team and raise up a mini-Manilow themselves.  I say several because it does occasionally occur that the children of musician parents deliberately eschew music themselves in favor of respectable trades like accounting and barista-ing.  Have to allow for the rebels.  We must protect the survival of good advertising jingles, heartfelt ballads and the Billboard Adult Contemporary charts.

In conclusion, I give you a photo from our California Choir Tour my senior year of college:
If I'd have had the right tools, I'd'a stole it.

1 comment:

  1. How pretty you look :) Of course, everyone's hair and everything else looked stunning b/c of that AWESOME California need that weather in Georgia! :)

    That was a fun trip :)
