
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Halloween 2010: A Picture Essay

I have been right at excited about Halloween for some time.  There are a lot of firsts for me this Halloween!

1. The first Halloween in which I've been settled enough in a home and had enough time to prepare for trick-or-treaters.
2. The first Halloween in years for which I have obtained a costume.
3. The first Halloween for which I have carved gen-yoo-WINE Jack O' Lanterns!

That was an adventure.  Let's experience it together, shall we?

Me and my pumpkin carving attire.  Yes, that is an apron emblazoned with pies.

I started with the hollowing-out process, protecting my coffee table with the pages from a fine publication (hence the photo of Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo making out.)  My whole house smells like gutted pumpkin!

The gut pile grows.

Ashley Pumpkin begins to take shape.

At this point, I turned my thoughts to means of illumination.  I had bought some little luminaries at Michael's...

...but they were wimpy.

So I turned to actual candles.  Problem: Lighting the candle.  If I lit it before placing it in the pumpkin, the rising smoke would burn my hand.  Potential Solution: Place, then light?  Perhaps with a sheet of the magazine?  ('Cause our faintsy long lighter is out of fluid)

So Much Fail.  But then, inspiration struck:

Tealight plus kitchen tongs equals win!
(Also, that's a from-behind shot of a shoulder and arm with a spaghetti strap top, not what you might think...)


Ashley Pumpkin gets her lipstick and she's ready to go!

Andrew Pumpkin needed to sit upside down because it's easier to carve his teeth that way.

At this point, he was almost done, just needed those teeth carved deeper.

Andrew and Ashley Pumpkin pose for a family photo.

Got the candy basket together!

A little mood reading while I wait for the kids.

Mr. and Mrs. Pumpkin take their spots on the porch.

And Mrs. Whelchel dons the costume.  Come one, come all!


  1. Fun times! Glad you are enjoying yourself! And just think, you get to do it TWO times this year, all because some people feel entitled to change the day of celebration..hmmm..Last time I checked Halloween was October 31, not October 30! LOL! I can't wait to read more about your life via stalking your blog ;0)

  2. Yay! I'm so excited that I have another follower!

    And yes, apparently the chronological vicinity of a school day renders the calendar completely flexible! How about that...

  3. This is so cute I could puke ;)

    I LOVE your Mr. and Mrs. pumpkins :) They're ADORABLE!
    And SO ARE YOU in your little bumble-bee costume :)

    oh, and p.s. the comment about the spaghetti-strap and arm made me laugh out loud :)

    Love you friend!
