
Saturday, December 31, 2011

2011: A Year In Review

January 2011
  • At midnight, Andrew and I toasted and had the New Year kiss.  Then he went to bed and I stayed up until 3 packing up the Christmas decorations (you're supposed to keep them up until New Year's for good luck) because I couldn't sleep!
  • SNOWPOCALYPSE occurred.  We'd had snow on Christmas day, but this was serious snow.  Roads rendered inaccessible snow.  And my first time ever shoveling a driveway!
  • Went to In-Service with Ashley and Jenna and had a totally rockin' time, except when my batteries ran too low and I nearly passed out at the performances.
February 2011
  • Took my very first All-Stater to All-State.  She sang in the Middle Treble choir under the direction of Dr. Sharon Paul.  One of the pieces they sang was the Donald Patriquin arrangement of "J'entends le Moulin," which I've sung at All-State before, and I got to play finger cymbals!
March 2011
  • I turned 25 years old!
  • The yoga thing sorta dropped shame, though.  One thing I learned this year (thanks, Kate Harding!) is that exercise should be about enjoying movement, not about punishing yourself for not looking a certain way or for "not being healthy enough."  So I've stuck to dancing because it does all the heart-rate-raising and sweat-inducing and it's way super fun! 
April 2011
  • I launched my YouTube channel with a video that's now private (it's me singing and playing and I'm a little too self-conscious to be plastering that all over teh intarwebz)
  • I participated in my second and final Creative Night at Heritage.  My three little singers sang "Stars I Shall Find" (which is actually TTB and I raised it a 5th...shhh...) and "The Mouse Madrigal" and I was so proud I could pop! 
May 2011
  • I interviewed for two jobs.  I got turned down for the first, so I waited anxiously to get word back from the second... 
June 2011
  • Had a great family vacation at Murrell's Inlet!
  • Found out that I got the second job I had interviewed for! 
July 2011
  • Finally figured out biscuits like I like them.  Andrew likes his style better.  We all have our tastes.
  • Began Noob Training with my new job. 
August 2011
  • Started teaching!  Which, as you'll notice in my archive, is why there are no blog posts for August 2011! 
September 2011
  • Continued to teach, and as I described it to a student teacher, got to the point where "...I'm no longer living in a state of muted panic wondering what is going to go wrong." 
October 2011
  • Had my first concert at my new school, in which I got to conduct one of my favorite pieces, Andre Thomas's arrangement of "Rockin' Jerusalem."
  • Dressed as Ursula for Halloween! 
November 2011
  • I accompanied Honor Chorus for the second time in my career, working with the Intermediate Mixed group under the direction of Tee Smith.  It was a blast! 
December 2011
  • Actually finished all my shopping and wrapping for Christmas early!
  • Had our first Christmas Eve service in our Mt. Vernon location for the North Hall Campus!
Overall, it's been a great's hoping 2012 is even better!

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Happy New Year, everyone!
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