
Friday, December 17, 2010

'Tis The Season

I am currently seated at a back table at Panera Bread.  This is normally a 4-person table and my solo presence is in direct violation of their very polite request that single-person parties not hog tables at which larger parties would fit.  But I wanted to be away from people as much as possible and I needed room for my food, clipboard, laptop, post-its and space to be jittery because at this point, I've had a venti Caramel Brulee latte and a Mtn. Dew and am on the verge of blastoff.

Here's a look at my very exciting December:
1. Play a classical wedding with my former professor.
2. Play one of the most jam-packed choral concerts I've ever played (and it was awesome, btw)
3. Run a Christmas-themed workshop with the 4th graders that went over about as well as an Avenged Sevenfold enthusiast among Fanilows.
4. Plan and implement three Christmas Eve services at the church.  (Fortunately, I have lots of help here!)
5. Feed the hungry at Good News at Noon.
6. Five Christmas parties
7. Get a t-shirt and an All-State CD to my student (just happened today.  Yes, I am the worst teacher on the planet)
8. Christmas shopping
9. Retail adventures!

Rushed and flustered, movin' and shakin' and I couldn't be happier.

1 comment:

  1. I love you more than you could know :)
    And p.s. I thought that jam-packed Christmas concert was pretty awesome too :)
