
Sunday, March 31, 2013

New Adventures and also Lists!

I am having a little trouble sleeping this evening.

Tomorrow is a big day for a few reasons...

1. Easter Sunday, which means a big ol' party at church starting (for me) at 7:30 AM
2. The Garner Egg Hunt, which I'll only be able to visit for a short time because...
3. ...I'm going to the beach!

My Spring Break is this week and last Sunday, my aunt invited me out to her condo on the beach.  I can't stay the whole week because I have class Thursday night, but I can at least stay a few nights.  It's a big deal for me because, at a Google Maps-estimated 7 hours, it will be the longest I have ever driven alone.  I've driven 9 consecutive hours with a passenger in the car (it was my mom's car and I felt weird about letting someone else drive it) and I've driven between 4 and 5 hours alone on three occasions (all to or from Savannah).  This drive contains a long list of directions and requires me to exit or turn pretty frequently...the longest Google Maps estimates I'll be on any one highway is an hour, so I think I'll be pretty occupied with looking for the next turn for much of the ride.  I'm not really nervous or anything, although I'm not sure the same can be said for my husband.  He's said, "I wish someone were riding with you" about 7 times.  I think I'll be all right, though.  I have some things in mind to help me stay entertained on those 30 to 60 minute stretches of a single road.  The real nail-biter will be the trip back, because I plan to leave Thursday morning and go straight from the beach to Athens for class.  Yes, that's right, I'll be dragging my raggedy keister into Aderhold Hall straight from a 7 hour drive, all gross from the car ride and smelling like Doritos.  Hotness.

No, I am not telling you what beach I am going to because the weather forecasts for that place keep changing from favorable to unfavorable and back again and I don't want you people getting all schadenfreude on me with your, "Hey, it says it's going to rain.  You shouldn't go" or "Haha, sorry the weather's going to ruin your vacation!"  SHUT IT.  YOU ARE SCREWING UP THE KARMA WITH YOUR JEALOUSY.

In related news, I got a little ridiculous with the packing.  I'll be there Sunday night through early Thursday morning, which means I'm basically spending three whole days there.  Here's what I thought I would need for three whole days in which the only other person to see me will be my (technically my husband's) aunt:

  • Three T-shirts
  • Two "nice shirts"
  • Two sets of "good shorts"
  • A pair of average shorts
  • A pair of capris
  • Lots and lots of underthings
  • Four swimsuits
  • Four separate sets of pajamas
  • Four pairs of shoes (two pairs of sandals, some slip-ons and some Converse)
  • All of my makeup
  • Three movies and four books, because I'm totally gonna get all of that watched and read
  • My textbooks and school supplies (lolwut?)
Along with more mundane things like sunblock, toothbrush, etc.  Before you start rolling your eyes and thinking stereotypical thoughts, I can list five gentlemen known personally to me off the top of my head who do the same sort of thing while possessing other behaviors typically coded "masculine."  So step off with your socially constructed gender expectations!  Lots of yelling in this post, hm.  I just like to feel prepared for anything.

Some of the things I'm looking forward to the most are pretty indicative of what a hermit I can be sometimes.  Don't get me wrong - I've had lots of wonderful road trips with friends and family and have really enjoyed them (Jenna's Get Pumped playlist is top-notch), I'm just looking forward to a different sort of vibe.  Kinda like how if you usually go to Pueblo's for lunch and one day decide to go to O'Charley's, you're looking forward to the O'Charley's even though you totally still love Pueblo's.  Ok.  Disclaimer over.  I'm looking forward to

driving for as long as I want to and being able to decide what to eat really quickly rather than vacillating because I want to please the other people in the car

having complete and insane control over the in-ride entertainment ("First I'll listen to an episode of The Venture Brothers and then I'll record myself talking about my life and use it in a YouTube video!")

having a room all to myself where I can leave junk everywhere and watch stupid movies really late and not feel like I'm inconveniencing or bothering someone else

doing the stereotypical beach stuff, like reading, but without the nagging back-of-the-mind voice that goes "You should be more sociable.  You're being weird."

cooking and eating some fresh seafood (Auntie is a forreals amazing cook)

basically being a selfish jerk and doing whatever I want without being considerate of anyone else's preferences or schedule except for Auntie, and she's pretty much one of the most laid-back people I know

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *
So those are my Spring Break plans.  After class Thursday night, I'll make the hour drive home (a drive which I'm sure will be punctuated by extra crazy since I'll have driven all day...should probably record it) and probably crash hard and sleep until noon on Friday.  It will be the first Spring Break traveling I've done since college, only it'll be warmer because my college thought the first week of March was an appropriate time for a "Spring" break.  If you've read this entire self-seeking descent into madness, I hope you enjoyed it.