
Monday, July 23, 2012

Mushy Gushy Saccharine Sentimentality

Today, I turned in my final project for one of my classes and fully completed my first semester of my Master's degree.  I feel two ways about this.

1. Imma sleep late and go swimming and watch Maury and stay up late watching movies and goof off and write blog posts because NO MORE SMARTY THINKINGNESS for two weeks!

2. I miss my friends already.

It's like we went to Master's Degree (or, for some of us, Ed. S or Ed. D or certification) Summer Camp and now it's over.  I met a lot of very talented, fun, dynamic people and while I will not miss getting up at 5, making the hour commute both ways, or drawing timelines in which I trace some genre, I will definitely miss getting to hang out with them every day.  As I walked down the stairs to my car to head back home, I actually misted up a little because I am a giant dorkfish.

So here's to the good things, the things I will miss...

Asking for certain types of refreshments at inappropriate times.  ("Dude, it's 8:15 in the morning!")

Keeping people straight on which discussions actually took place in class and which took place in someone's mind.

Pretend due dates.

"I want to see the worst project you've ever seen."  "You haven't turned yours in yet."

Laughs over expensive sandwiches and Lucky Charms donuts at the art museum.

"I think I hate people."

"8:00, night of the concert."

The terrible things that will happen if we teach dotted rhythms incorrectly.

"Raise it, lower it," and everything else about Choral Seminar.

"They keep the Steinways on ice!"

"Does anyone else want to turn these pages?"


"And then the clarinets go dah-dah-dah-dah-dah-dah and then the piccolos go dee-dee-dee-dee-dee-dee and..."

Epic Facebook conversations during class, featuring HATS

Confections by Meg: Breakfast of Champions

"Say yes!"

"Punch your brother!"

and of course, "Wisdom stands in the middle of things."  Which, I am not ashamed to admit, I'm pretty sure I'm going to hang on to forever.